First editions

Published books / book chapters

Around Music

  • London, Unicorn Press (1932)
    collected essays, 35 chapters; Annotated Index (Marc-André Roberge, 1992)
  • Guide price: £175

Mi Contra Fa: The immoralisings of a Machivellian musician

  • London, Porcupine Press (1947)
    collected essays, 30 chapters; Annotated Index (Marc-André Roberge, 1992)
  • Guide price: £200

The Validity of the Aristocratic Principle

  • London, Luzac & Co. (1947)
    chapter XIII from Art and Thought, a 70th birthday tribute to Dr. Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy, ed. K. Bharatha Iyer; pp.214–218
  • Guide price: £150

The Greatness of Medtner

  • London, Dennis Dobson (1955)
    a chapter from Nicolas Medtner (1879–1951), ed. Richard Holt; pp.122–132
  • Guide price: £150


  1. Medtner was actually born in 1880 according to our calendar
  2. Prices quoted are, of course, for the entire volume