KSS15 Chaleur — Poème

Piece details

  • Written for: Orchestra
  • Instruments: 2+alt flt 3 3 0/4 0 0 0/2hrp cel/strs
  • Date composed: 1917
  • Approximate duration (minutes): 8
  • Manuscript pages: 32
  • Manuscript location: Paul Sacher Foundation, Basel
  • Comments: Only a copyist’s version was available until recently, although the manuscript has recently come to light.

Editions available from the Sorabji Archive

  • Typeset edition (Frazer Jarvis), A3P. 22 pages.
    Price: £15 (paper), £10 (pdf)
    Right-click to download high resolution sample page: PDF PNG
  • Parts (Frazer Jarvis), A3P. 54 pages.
    Price: £POA (paper), £POA (pdf)
  • Copyist’s manuscript, A3P. 40 pages.
    Price: £15 (paper), £10 (pdf)
    Right-click to download high resolution sample page: PDF PNG
  • Manuscript, A3P. 32 pages.
    Price: £15 (paper), £10 (pdf)
    Right-click to download high resolution sample page: PDF PNG


  • 13/06/1999 Frankfurter Orchester Gesellschaft (orchestra), Stefan Schmitt (conductor)
    Frankfurter Orchester Gesellschaft Sendesaal des Hessischen Rundfunks, Bertramstraße 8, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • 28/05/2000 Frankfurter Orchester Gesellschaft (orchestra), Stefan Schmitt (conductor)
    Frankfurter Orchester Gesellschaft Sendesaal des Hessischen Rundfunks, Bertramstraße 8, Frankfurt am Main, Germany